Saturday, May 24

Random Thoughts from Renie

The first day we head out from the Gai Beach Hotel going to Chorazin and someone on the bus comments "We are driving with our brothers and sisters along the Sea of Galilee." Pinch me. Is this real???

Another day we are sitting on Mt. Carmel listening to David Lawson teach. I look around at the crowd and think "This is what it was like with the crowds following Jesus and sitting on the hillside listening to Him teach." What a thrill!

In the early evening You could walk out behind the hotel and watch the fish jump, the men fish, see the lights all around the sea and see The Golan Heights. One night I could feel the wind getting stronger. Jesus called fishermen to "follow Me" and He walked on this water and calmed the sea!

We stand on the top of Tel Megiddo, and I imagine the sea of soldiers in that valley where the nations will gather to march on Jerusalem.

From the Garden of Gethsemane you see the Eastern gate, and I visualize the new Temple with the Glory of the Lord above it! (You have to block out the Dome.) This is awesome!

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