Thursday, May 15


Well, I told our group that all we are going to do is ride in the bus and eat for two weeks. This was our first lunch on the road and it was excellent! It was at a hotel in a Kibutz (sp?) - which is a type of socialist commune. Here's a picture of some of us at the bus and John Scott trying to steal some of my chocolate brownie!


Anonymous said...

So glad you having a great time!! I have been praying for you all! Scott and Debbie, your kids are doing great!! I love being able to follow your trail through this blog! HI Kitty!! Grace says hi and she love you!
love, jodi

Scott and Betty Walton said...

You guys look like you are just on CLOUD 9!! We're so thrilled with what you have shared with us so far. Keep the news and photos coming! I asked the girls if they had anything they wanted to tell Mommy and Daddy (Debbie and Scott) and Anastasia said to tell you that shes been coloring a lot. Ha Ha! It's been another great day in the Jarus house - all is still going great, so not to worry, Scott and Debbie - just enjoy yourselves!

Scott and I are sending our love to ALL of you and are continuing to pray for you.

Scott and Betty

Arno or Tami Sandoval said...

From AJ: Mr and Mrs Jarus, Thank you for sending the pictures to us. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have been praying for you all! Love you, love you, AJ Sandoval

From Hannah: Thank you the posts. Thank you. Love, Hannah

From Arno and Tami: We first checked the site this morning and I was so excited. When the kids woke up I told them (AJ mostly) that Mr. Jarus had put the pictures on the computer for us to look at like he said he would try to do! AJ's step got faster and he ran into the computer! Hannah woke up kind of crabby until I told her we were going to look at pictures from our friends in Israel.. then she smiled and perked up! I (we) love the posts and the detail sometimes makes me feel like I am there! We have prayed for each of you throughout our day as a family (for you and the loved ones you all have at home). We are so excited for you all and can't wait to hear more and more!!! Enjoy all the food! Sounds like you will need the substanance for the days to come! =)

We love and miss you ALL!!!! You are ALL in our prayers! "Talk" to you soon!

Tamara Sandoval and the kids!