Friday, May 16

Caesarea by the Sea

Update from Kitty Scott:

From Mt. Carmel we drove on to Caesarea.
Upon entering the complex we stopped to see a Roman aquaduct which was constructed by Herod the Great. The aquaduct brought water 40 miles from Mt. Carmel to the city he was building, Caesarea. The aquaduct was only recently discovered buried under the sand.
In the pictures you can see our group
under one of the arches with the Mediterrean Sea behind us. I was thinking about the wonder, expense, and sheer genius that built it to provide water to this thirsty town, water that after drinking a person will be thirsty again. Just think of the wonder, expense and genius of our God who sent us his son Jesus, the one who gives living water so that "whoever drinks of the water that He gives will become a well of living water springing up to eternal life." John 4:14.

I thought the hat looked good in the store??! ;-(


Marty and Bev Zide said...

It is very exciting to read your posts and view the beautiful pictures that you are sending. Modern technology is amazing, but more so, the LORD is good!! If you have specific prayer requests by sure to let us know. Have you been able to meet Kay Arthur personally? This must be better than a dream come true for all of you! Has the President's trip been widely covered there? What kind of food have you been eating? Well, the LORD bless you and keep you and make HIS face shine upon you and give you peace! Love from the Zide family

Scott and Betty Walton said...

I think the hat looks great on you, Kitty - the question is - does the dark color reflect the sun or absorb it?? We can't have you being a hot head or anything...just kidding! Love you, Kitty!

What beautiful country! The photos are such a treat to us back home who wish we could be there with you. We are experiencing the trip vicariously through keep those blogs and photos coming! What a blessing. We were thrilled to hear today from Debbie and Scott that 5 people have been saved under the teaching they've been hearing on the tour. Praise God!! The Mediterranean Sea looks incredibly lovely. Somehow I didn't expect it to be as blue as our oceans here. The aqueduct is indeed a marvel - how in the world has it remained so well-preserved? I guess because it was buried in the sand?

Well, we'll close for now. Just wanted to thank you for your frequent posts - many of us are hanging on your every word and drooling for more!

Oh, before I forget - does anybody in your group know the song, "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked"? Ask around - maybe someone knows it. I have the sheet music for it somewhere in a box in our garage - I truly must find it. Scott has sung it for church before. It will bring tears to your eyes now that you have actually stepped where His precious feet have indeed walked.

We love you all and are praying!

Scott and Betty Walton said...

Here is a link to a website that plays the music and shows the lyrics.
Just in case you can't pull up the site, here are the words to the song:
I walked today where Jesus walked,
In days of long ago.
I wandered down each path He knew,
With reverent step and slow.
Those little lanes, they have not changed,
A sweet peace fills the air.
I walked today where Jesus walked,
And felt Him close to me.
My pathway led through Bethlehem,
A memory's ever sweet.
The little hills of Galilee,
That knew His childish feet.
The Mount of Olives, hallowed scenes,
That Jesus knew before
I saw the mighty Jordan roll,
As in the days of yore.

I knelt today where Jesus knelt,
Where all alone he prayed.
The Garden of Gethsemane,
My heart felt unafraid.
I picked my heavy burden up,
And with Him at my side,
I climbed the Hill of Calvary,
I climbed the Hill of Calvary,
I climbed the Hill of Calvary,
Where on the Cross He Died!

I walked today where Jesus walked,
And felt Him close to me.

I hope you are blessed by the words, at least. I always am when I hear it.
