Saturday, May 17

Caesarea by the Sea

This posting is by Dave Utterback as dictated to Joy Strathman.

On Friday, May 16 we visited Caesarea by the Sea. This is not the same as Caesarea Phillipi which is in the Galilee region. This is a beautiful site, situated on the Mediterreanean Sea. We first arrived at the seashore next to the remains of a Roman aquaduct. This was a marvel of engineering in its day. Carrying water from a spring at Mt. Carmel over 40 miles away, totally by gravity flow. The aquaduct maintains a drop of about 1 inch per 100 feet and was actually a twin duct. We took a lot of pictures and marveled at the beauty of God's creation here before taking a box lunch to eat at another location closer to where Paul was imprisoned for 2 years. We ate our lunch near the ruins of one of the ports which were used to trade goods from ships in Biblical times. Then we walked to the arena where it is thought that Paul stood before Felix when Paul was on trial in Caesarea. On the way, we passed by a hippodrome which was excavated 15 years ago (see photo above). This was a site where Roman-style chariot races were held for the amusement of the residents of Caesarea. We were told the most expensive seats were at the turn where the bloodiest action occurred. Then it was on to the auditorium which had the style of a small colliseum and we heard a teaching on Paul's imprisonment and the fact that God is not yet finished with Israel. (Jeremiah 31: 31-33).
Caesarea is also the hometown of Cornelius, which was the first Gentile believer. While still sitting on the steps of the auditorium, we praised the Lord for bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles. Kay then taught us on the mystery of Jew and Gentile in one body, and the rich root of the olive tree (Israel) supporting the branches (Gentile believers).

All in all, this trip is exceeding expectations and is very much a blessing to all of us. We hope these brief reports will also be a blessing to all of our church family and friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jay Bruns emailed you with the fki website. We are enjoying ourselves. We watched a couple of stories from "Story Time with Mom and Dad" today. Love you!